Advertise your business with Rc Tank Warfare

Available advertisements

We currently have a single option available for advertisements.

1. A clickable image in the upper most section of the forum (only on /forums and sub pages) page: £15 per month.

If more than 6 months are paid for at the same time, save 10% on each month after!

With an average of over 125,000 page views per month (based on July 2021- July 2022), with an example of 3 adverts live on the website - Rc Tank Warfare is a heavily viewed website which could provide great visibility for your related business.

Requirements and Terms and Conditions

The adverts image(s) are provided by you, and have a maximum dimension of 500x100 pixels and a maximum file size of 100KB, any image that exceeds this will not be allowed on the site. You may include simple animations in your advert, but no flashing images.

Every time you pay for a month your advert will be credited with another months time. When the time runs out the advert will automatically be removed. We will try and notify you before the advert ends, however please do not rely on this.

Adverts are only displayed to non-logged-in users (guests). Once a user is logged in, they will no longer see displayed advertisements. However the majority of traffic on Rc Tank Warfare is Guest traffic. Please get in touch if you would like further details on Gues to registered users page view information.

You may pay for as many months as you wish in a single payment, but please let us know how long you would like it to be displayed for.

Adverts are on an automatic rotation system that puts an advert on display every time a page is served. The system tries to be as balanced as possible so that each advert is displayed the same amount of times.

Payments are non-refundable.

Forum downtime will not warrant a refund, however your advert may be credited with the time lost so that it displays for the length you paid for.

By placing an advert on the site, you agree to the condition that if more adverts are placed on the website, your's may appear less frequently.

In the end, your advert is subject to the Admins disgression, and so the Admins decision on any matter is final.

These Requirements and Terms & Conditions are subject to change at any time.

Getting started

Advert requests must be sent to either Matdragon or to We will then check if the advert is appropriate and discuss the next steps to getting your advert live on the website, including how to pay.

If you have any questions, then PM Matdragon for more information or email